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  • Media owner jhawker
  • Date added
First I had to fix the wobble.
A piano bench is the best studio solution for solid, portable wobble free seating.
While making the corrections I got to thinking about A's first brush with the allure of the "banned book".
In this case it's the "hair raising" Brothers Grimm tale of Jorinda and Joringel.
K says the Brothers Grimm are like the Coen Brothers for kids.
A's teacher wouldn't read the book at preschool on book day because there is a mean witch in it.
The witch can freeze young men in their tracks and turn young girls into birds.
She had over 7000 birds in cages in her castle.
We can only imagine the young prince among the 7000 thankful maidens as he managed to break the witches spell.
Three lights:
Bowens Gemini 400 lowest setting with 22 inch gridded dish as key.
Canon 540 ez @ 1/32 from behind
285 @ 1/16 for background
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