
14 July - The Gathering

Almost looks like a moonlight ritual "gathering of the trees". It was taken in the morning, exposed for the sun so everything else is in silhouette. From memory I just played around with the colour temperature to pump up the blue in the sky.
I really like the content of this one but I'm not so sure of the blue enhanced sky ... I don't think the blue works so well as, to my eyes, the blue seems to bleed into the clouds to give it an unnatural look, which is ok, but I can see that this picture can be much, much more than just fine. I think it would look better if the white in the clouds was conserved more and a different sky colour chosen to add drama to the scene.
Ok, here are a couple more versions. The processing was a bit rushed so please ignore the very ordinary selection technique I used around the foreground bushes where they meet the sky. I probably should have cropped a bit closer to the trees on the left too.



I like the B&W version.
Think I like the 3rd (colour) version. The blue does not do it for me and #2 is too dark imho.

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Single In July 2011
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