SIJ-Day 4

SIJ-Day 4

Decided to continue my through the widow idea from yesterday. This time the privacy glass at the front of the house looking onto the street. I waited for people to walk by. This one worked out the best I think.
Privacy glass comes in various types but in essence it lets light through but affords privacy by distorting the view. This type has vertical concave lenses but more commonly it would just be frosted.

If you look at my spares in the DP series image thread it might become clearer.
I suddenly remember pressing my nose to this type of glass as a child, to find out how it changed my perspective on the world. Cool idea!
Very cool, Will. This reminds me of those old flip books. Lovely retro feel with the graininess and choice of B&W.
Love it Will. Like a series of frames from an old film noir set out in an accordion job and a keen eye!

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Single in January 2012
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