SIJ 02 - Drum Roll

SIJ 02 - Drum Roll

Our oil shed has an old door with some fairly hefty cracks between the vertical timber planks which lit these drums very nicely.
Toojk my eyes a while to make sense of this - the valvoline helped (You know what I mean!). Sorry, that's an aussie reference.
Doesn't really work for me I'm afraid. Too dark to resolve without hard work. I like the concept but need more contrast, I think.
I do like the darkness with the highlights and I do recognize Valvoline. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to tell what it was, except that it looks as though it's something to do with engines.;) That Valvoline gave it away! From my perspective, it doesn't matter to me whether I know what it is or not because I like the Rorshach ink blot look of the image just as it is - dark, oily and full metal...I could imagine myself looking into the bowels of an engine room!
This one doesn't work for me, it's a little too abstract. I struggle with abstract.
I have another version of this I might post sometime but I am sorry Briar it is even more abstract than this one :sorry:.

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Single in January 2012
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