Ice Fishing
The sun came out while I was having lunch but by the time I got organized to go out it had disappeared. So another flat light photo.
Irrespective of the flat light Kathy this makes for a great image....especially for folks like me in Australia who'd never chance upon such a scene at home. EVER! Beautiful tones and I really like the patterns left by the footprints.
I think the flat light actually adds to the feeling of emptiness surrounding the fisherman... great shot!
Ice fishing is such an interesting concept to those of us who've never done it... I can't imagine wanting to sit out there and freeze, but I know plenty of people do it...and have a great time, too. I agree that the flat lighting adds to the feeling of cold and the solitary nature of this moment. Clearly this was not the only person out there since the last snow. How great to be able to see something like this!
Been there done that, caught and ate the fish! Also, been there done thet, and did NOT catch the fish. Cold in not fun any more.
Good memories. As a child Dad took us up to a reservoir about a mile from the house and taught us how to fish like this. Difference was we'd build a big fire up against a large upright stone on the shore and sit there until a red flag popped up from the tip-ups.

Nice composition. Hard for me to get past the personal content here, but nicely captured, with the less trod portion to the top adding a lot of interest... talk about "leading lines."
Could easily be beach sand so thumbnail mislead me. I like the composition and all the foot traffic.
Brrrrr... Not my thing to do, but obviously a great subject for a picture. Well done.

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Single in January 2012
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