Jan 12 - Closing Down

Jan 12 - Closing Down

This is a common sight on the streets of the UK at the moment. Shops that have not survived past Christmas. Hawkins Bazaar specialised in "stocking fillers" and toys and didn't have a good enough December.
What makes this personal is that my son had a job with them. In six weeks he went from 4-hours a week Christmas temporary staff to monthly salaried keyholder, opening and managing a London branch between Christmas and New Year. Two days later he was out of a job. It was his first job ever. Now I have to remotivate him...
Sad story Bill, sorry to hear it mate. You've certainly rendered this a sad (but, yes, common) scene - so well.
A sad story but too common these days. The absolutely blackness of the window emphasizes the bleakness of it all.
I'm sorry to read this, as well, Bill. It is tough out there, I know. Your photograph would have told it all, but adding your personal story makes it even sadder. A very well done image and the PPing emphasizes the loss.
Well, he's not alone. A lot of people out of work right now. At least he has some experience to put on his resume.
sorry to hear about that - but he should treat it as good experience that he can look back on and be able to use - the current work environment is tough and "job dynamics" have changed so much in the last few years - tell him to treat it as positive experience to go forward to his next challenge with ...... the world is ahead for him

Oh - the image - it does have an "old fashioned" feeling - could be taken from any economic slump during the past 50 years
That's awful, I used to work for Minolta and I know just how it feels to be retrenched. I think the image captures the gloominess of the situation well.
wow, that's really unfortunate for your son! But his quick move up the ladder at that company should tell him he's a valuable asset to an organisation!

sad sight indeed, luckily I haven't seen too many shops close up here yet - although it does take awfully long for newly constructed shopping spaces to get rented and become active businesses!

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