SIJ Day 15; Streak

SIJ Day 15; Streak

Ver ytired today, grabbed XZ-1, my Alternate.
So Tired it was left at ISO 100 for this shot.
1/2 sec at f1.8
My God the IS on this thing is GOOD!
this one made the connection for me ... these night shots of yours have something of O.Winston Link about them
wow that's incredible, half a second handheld! I'm pretty pleased with myself if I manage a sharp shot at 1/6th or something, if I'm lucky I can get away with 1/4th but never managed 1/2nd yet!

I like the streak too, great job despite being tired!
thank you all.
I had had it see to ISO 100 for my berries and shadows shot and simply forgot to change it back.
my forearms were braced on the steering wheel so I am sure that helped my steadiness
Cool glow and fast streak! Good for you for seeing the design elements right in front of you on your journey home, Lili.

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Single in January 2012
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