SIJ - Day 15  Rough seas test the sea defences at Torcross

SIJ - Day 15 Rough seas test the sea defences at Torcross

This is Torcross at the southern end of Slapton Sands. The shingle ridge and the village are vulnerable to a combination of high spring tides and strong or gale force east or south east winds. The defences were built after a severe storm in 1979 damaged many of the houses you can see, smashing in windows and ripping roofs off as the waves broke over the tops of the houses.
Beautiful, the houses do look in a vulnerable position, shown well from your chosen viewpoint.
There have been some comments about the rendering of this image. I wonder if that is due to both the spray in the air and possibly on the lens. I had been over the other side of the rocky promontory that I took this shot from photographing the rough conditions there from lower level and had to clean the lens of spray frequently. I was still subject to spray in the air even at the position from which this image was obtained.

love the warm afternoon light, and the shadow of the crashing wave on the house - that's not something you see very often!
Glorious! Barrie, what a spectacular view and the moment - the light, the action!!

That must be an incredible place to live... It's amazing to me that they've withstood the storms since 1979.

A place I'd love to visit.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Barrie you have a natural eye for landscapes. I love the light most (golden and beautiful) and the composition is also excellent. Love the inclusion of the stairs bottom left making which starts off the leading line and illustrates the puniness of our 'engineering' in the face of Nature. That power shows her awesome power so well, and I think you make excellent portraits of her...a noble task for many lifetimes IMHO! :th_salute:

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Single in January 2012
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