

"Fifteen More Days"

Had a heck of a time trying to think of something to shoot today. I have some parts almost ready, but not what I wanted today, so you'll have to deal with my contemplation.

Taken with the Canon S95 at 35mm equiv. Processed in LR3.6 and Nik SEP.
Like the match between the two figures - well exposed and composed (I assume tripod and timer used).
Neat idea, well executed. I like the pose, but I also like the fact that it is effectively an "environmental self-portrait".
Oh excellent trompe l'oeil indeed! A great portrait really, with elements that say so much about Otto - the books, the print, etc. Also love the pose - so contemplative for our artist-mechanic ;)
Otto, this is my favorite photograph of yours yet.

What a well conceived and produced image. You really know your stuff and have a great way of setting a scene. Great B&W toning...and the items that we get to see or just great - there's a little tongue in cheek humor, but really this is a beautiful image. Very "contemplative" and also very interesting. It's great to see where you are sometimes when you're not working on your restoration.:D
A wonderful image Otto. As the others have said, we now know a little bit more of your personal life and that's what really makes this image stand out fr me.
Thanks all for your surprising comments. I really didn't expect much with this. I was sitting there thinking about what I could shoot for the day's entry when I thought, "how about shooting me thinking about what I'm going to shoot?".

Yes, I set up my trusty little Slik Sprint Pro II, and set the timer to 15 seconds to allow me time to sit back down and "strike a pose". What's funny is that I had a similar shot on my monitor that I didn't like, so took this one.

Thanks again for all your comments. You're too kind.

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Single in January 2012
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