SIJ - Day 17:  Cloisters, Sterling Memorial Library

SIJ - Day 17: Cloisters, Sterling Memorial Library

This is a hallway in Sterling Memorial Library called "Cloisters." The entire library was modeled to look like a cathedral right down to the circulation desk at the "altar."

I will try to get some more of Sterling from the inside but the light is very low and I failed pretty miserably today. I did come away with this photo, which itself is difficult in the best of conditions. Every lens I have ever had showed the bloom in the near-side window. Today was overcast and rainy, so if this is still showing bloom this is as good as I will ever do.

If you look at my shot from Day 7, that hallway is behind me and through a doorway, and you can see in that photo the start of Cloisters.

I love this place. Much better than a photo will ever do it justice.

It's easy to see why you love this place, Seaain, because I think I love it, too.

You're too hard on yourself!

I would love to see more and eventually experience these "cloisters" in real life. What an incredible place. I could easily spend my days inside reading and looking.

Can't thank you enough for this guided tour you're leading us on.
Love the perspective and composition! You really just want to walk down this hall....well if I can tear my eyes away from each vignette in the stain glass window :blush:

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Single in January 2012
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