Jan 19 - Running on Empty

Jan 19 - Running on Empty

Many miles travelled, many miles to go. Running on empty...
wow, now that's a shot that only shows the subject and has 0 distractions! I do hope you took it safely! And that a petrol station was somewhere nearby...
A simple but quite strong image, I like the combination of the graphic detail and zen elements in this shot.
I have a thing for my own car's dashboard graphics, too, Bill.:cool:

Pace yourself - we don't want you to burn out!;)
Now you've done it, I'm stuck with Jackson Browne in my head.
I'll return the favor. Did I just date myself?

I like the compostion, and the way the opposing meters work in the image.
Love the simplicity and cleanliness of this shot Bill.

....though I do fear you've been unduly influenced by one very bad Lili in our troupe :eek:

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Single in January 2012
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