SIJ Day 22 - Winter Road, New Hampshire

SIJ Day 22 - Winter Road, New Hampshire

Coming home from dinner tonight. Didn't get much in terms of photos I'm excited about today so I'm using this shot taken while riding in the car.
I feel as though we're plummeting through the darkness and down the hill! What a pull this image has with all those lines of different sizes and the darkness way beyond.

It's great to see that the X100 can do high contrast and grainy, just as beautifully as it can do smooth and clear.

Now I want to know about your day.
just fantastic! I've seen a lot of shots like this and I always like them, but this one is several notches above the norm.
Has a sifi sucking vortex feel.:eek: Not many photos can you actually feel the visual emotion. The PP adds to it.

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Single in January 2012
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