SIJ Day 24
I was hoping to get some shots on the way home from work but it was wet and I was feeling too silly in my bulky waterproofs to shoot street. So I cycled home and took this shortly after awakening - saved me a journey outside where it is still raining.
even had I not read the description, there is something almost shockingly intimate about this shot.
strong stuff
This reminds me somewhat of Juliet Margaret Cameron's photography - if you don't know of her, you might want to check her out. There's such a realism here, and yet it is also very poetic.

You've created powerful image, Norman.
the softening on the left hand side distracts my eye a bit, but whatever is going on in the right hand side is VERY cool. Is this some natural bokeh or some funky processing? I like it very much....and the portrait is nice too.
LOvely portrait. The lighting is divine....just look how it's playing on each golden strand of hair!

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Single in January 2012
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norman shearer
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