SIJ 22 - Fisherman

SIJ 22 - Fisherman

He appeared every morning. He fished by rolling up his line and waiting for the right moment to throw it on the out going wave and then reeling it in. I never saw him catch anything.
Kathy, that was some strange place you stayed, backward walking dog walkers, now dancing fishermen, what next?

I am laughing... Everything everyone before me has written has taken all the words out of my mouth! Very strange indeed!
I actually like it best not knowing the story, although the story is great too. Without the story, he just looks plum crazy. I suppose knowing he catches nothing and keeps doing it makes him look crazy too.

Oh, who am I kidding? We're all crazy. Great shot!
Thank goodness for your description. LIke Bob I thought this a weird native ritual of dance and prayer to deliver the fish. A dance to Bluey (which is who us Aussie's scream at it if things fishing (and usually boat related) so pear shaped.

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Single in January 2012
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