SIJ Day 25
A short street session on my way home from work. There are few places in town you can walk around with a camera without getting noticed - this is not one of them!
I've had three or four goes at "street" photography in my small village and local town. By virtue of using a very wide angle lens for SIJ I need to be very close to get any meaningful photograph, so I've been asking permission to take a photograph. I've been pleasantly surprised at the responses so far, but I don't think I'd have tried with either of those gentlemen.

This one does make me laugh - their expressions - especially the middle fellow's and that sign about "turning over a new leaf".:D
BB nailed my comments on this one. Then again mate I reckon you could have taken that fellow in the middle on....I just fear the undisclosed Ninja powers of the Nan nearest in frame.
this is just brilliant. I love the expressions. I might give it a tighter crop, but the moment has been captured for sure.

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Single in January 2012
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norman shearer
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