SIJ Day 27; Watch for Ice on Bridge

SIJ Day 27; Watch for Ice on Bridge

There's that yellow again Lili. Not sure how you do it, but it's there! With not a horizontal line in sight, this makes for a strong composition.
When I think Dallas, I never think of ice! Just show's you how provincial I am.:redface:

You've got a flare for making the most of the geometric designs offered during your commute, Lili. I like the way you've taken this one from your side window...and included the foreground showing the snow, along with that ominous warning sign. Good eye for what's along your path!
thanks all, sadly I failed here. At the base of the Ice sign is a Flower Bed in full Bloom
Ah the irony
I see that sign a lot up here in Wisconsin and wonder what it means. I mean, by the time you see the're on it. Nothin' you can about it except to try to aim it straight and hope for the best.
I don't think you failed, Lili... I thought it was a flower bed rather than snow. I was a bit amused by the sign, seemed a bit incongruous somehow.

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Single in January 2012
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