SIJ - Day 28
[B]Light Crush[/B]
I clock the 28th up to being quite a good day photographically. Had three sessions with a total of about 400 frames with about 60% keepers and another 20% potential from the rest.

Not saying this is the best of the day - far from it - but it was the biggest surprise for me from the GF1. I approached the cattle yard to capture something of the form and texture with the 50 year old hardwood planks twisting in all matter of directions. But as I neared I was struck by the play of the afternoon light. My surprise was that the GF1 nailed the exposure. I had, only days before, lamented the limited tonal and dynamic range, and then this.

Again, much room for improvement but on the whole rather chuffed.
A very good "against the light" photograph with beautiful highlights of the flower heads and cloud, together with good use of the shadows forming that dynamic shape across the picture. The shafts of sunlight are excellent and details of some of the paddock have an almost luminous quality.

What a striking image. I love harsh, against the light pictures and this one is especially good. The shadows really draw me in.
mentioned on Flickr that I think this is a good 'un.
the flare is almost uinnoticeable as flare, but decreases the contrast a lot in the cntre. but mostly for me it's the shape of the whole thing that's pleasing
beautiful light well seen and captured, I love how it is just on the verge of flaring away
The color tones in this remind me so much of old film, Mark... I can't tell you what kind but it reminds me of my father's old photos from the 1950s.. Beautiful harsh light and wonderful shadows.

I'm taking it that this "chute" and kind loading corral isn't used anymore? I'm sure there's another term for what it is.

That is a heck of a lot of pictures to take in one day! 400 pictures?!:eek: Wow!

You chose a great one for today, Mark.
this is pretty cool. It has an old-timey look to it despite the super heavy tone-mapping.

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