Contemplating the next move

Contemplating the next move

Here's Errol, and Louie in the background, the veterans of our rescued dog troupe. We're ready for bed and now it's decision time. Errol has to make a call as to whether he ambles to the heater in the bedroom with us or stay on the lounge by the fire? Well Louie doesn't have such choices as he is carried wherever he desires....he's very old and so has earned the privilege - nay, right!
that's a happy but sad image

B & W adds to the melancholy feeling, (for me anyway)

I miss our dog, a Springer who died in late 2009 - I would like another - but we now travel a lot, (maybe too much), and so it would not really be fair

I really like the image and thanks for posting
My parents have a Westy - his attitude is about 10 times bigger than he is so if it runs in the breed I reckon Louie would have shown you the door a few times!

B&W really suits this shot, how did you make the foreground sharp and the background grainy?
Lovely shot of the dogs, Mark. They sure are enjoying their creature comforts.

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Single In July 2011
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