

At Lunch with me, Red Lobster
this was with E-PL1 and 17mm Pancake Lens, my chosen for this month
I'm with Kyte...crisp and sharp where it needs to be and nice lighting. Though let's not lose sight of the fact that it's a top shelf self-portrait too. Squint folks and say "Hi" to Collette through Roy's looking glass :th_salute:
great portrait :) love how the photo is kind of 3d and Roy seems to pop out a bit (hope you know what i mean lol)
Lovely portrait Lili, with a very filmic look to it - was that straight ooc or a bit of added grain later?
Great shot. I'm a fan of the 17mm lens so looking forward to following your adventures with this lens throughout the month.
Great catch of the reflections in Roy's glasses and the way they play off against the windows in the background, Lili!
Thank you all, this is a combo that I have used less than it deserves. so now that I find I can carry it in the little bag normally used for my XZ-1 (it fits well, even with the VF-1) I wanted to re-learn the strict 34-35 mm-e FOV I used to adore with my Hexar AF.
OVF and all.
akulya, the only Post Processing done was B&W conversion, slight sharpening, and a small play with curves and brightness:)

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