SIJ 16 - Used

SIJ 16 - Used

Toys scattered on our deck after the boys have had enough play time.
I like how you have framed the shot. The leaves on the right are just a bit bright and distract me somewhat.
Love this one Sam. The PoV, framing and subject matter make this image seem observed through the eyes of a child - who is moving between points of pure play and adventure.
Wow, at first I had no idea what I was looking at but the more I looked the more I could see something small and detailed back in there... At first I thought I saw two tiny boys sitting next to a ride on toy... It almost seems as though you've used a "tilt shift" mode.

I like seeing these last two impressionistic images very much, Sam. Both are very thought provoking and have had as strong impact on me. Well done in both cases!

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Single in January 2012
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