SIJ 26 - The Grim Reaper

SIJ 26 - The Grim Reaper

I only took two photos today - both of this subject. It didn't look much to start with but Silver Efex really can add some life quickly to a very boring image.
i like the composition a lot and absolutely love the tones on the cutter bar ... though I would have processed the sky a bit less strongly
Love the processing. I don't know enough about photography, but it feels like the sky is competing with that awesome farm tool for my eye. Is it possible to tame the clouds, but keep the rest of frame as intense and menacing as it is. It's really a great shot and I think I'm just nitpicking.
Perfect - the Grim Reaper indeed! So menacing and your Silver Efex is fantastic for this one...The Tasmanian Devil Monster!
I've seen this scene so many times mate, but never picked up the "bite" that you have here. Pure gold Sambo!!!

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Single in January 2012
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