SIJ 31 - Never ending

SIJ 31 - Never ending

Not SIJ but shovelling snow in a snow storm - a never ending task. However, ours now has ended and SIJ is over.
Very neat work being done there.

Caught the action beautifully and the tone is just right. Nice one to finish, life goes on....
Really nicely composed shot of a very typical scene! B&W suits the scene as well, it's a great photo to end this challenge with!
cool image, I cannot tell you how much I have admired your ability to shoot such cool images with the weather you have had
Terrific shot, and a fitting one to finish the challenge with. Life goes on despite everything.

I have really enjoyed seeing your work this month. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I hope your fingers were not getting frozen to the cam! Love the capture. I can feel the chill. Poor woman. Good exercise though!
Kathy I know you're a little tired of hearing this from me...but thank you so much for sharing your snow scenes with me this month - as it's a scene I cannot see here at home - and you have shown me the bits of Ottawa that I enjoyed in May as seen dressed in white.

This one is a great metaphor for the close of SIJ!

It looks like hard work, and as soon as you've finished one bit it's time to do it all again. But we got there in the end and from the outsider's perspective it just looks like art.

Great sharing this month with you and getting to know you a little better from sharing your slice of the world.
Congrats on finishing in such fine style - enjoyed the contrast between home and holiday.
The only dancing being done in that street would be to keep warm, unlike your Mexican fisherman. look forward to seeing some "warmer" pictures from Ottawa soon.

that's what I like to see - Women at work

I guess that she is a woman with those designer "wellies"

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