I had attempted a shot at this location, just 300 yards from my cottage, on day 1. Then I had aligned the camera at 90 degrees to todays shot, also included more background which was not really out of focus enough given that this lens only opens up to f/5.6. Also conditions were overcast and the result was dull to say the least.
The only similarity today was the dull conditions, otherwise a different viewpoint and higher camera angle looking down to exclude the more distant background and dull sky. The result was still rather dull as a straight colour image, but I felt the composition was rather more interesting.
So it was all down to the post processing, certainly had to be black and white. Bibble has a plug in that attempts to replicate film stock, developer and printing paper types for a wide variety of product, so in effect a very wide set of presets, with fine tuning also possible. I've tried several combinations and ended up with a simulation of Ilford Pan F, so a more contrasty film stock than my normal choice of FP4 (my favourite from my roll film days) together with a replicated hard printing paper.
So a little bit experimental for me, but hopefully it's produced a somewhat more interesting and graphic image, even if it has moved away from reality.