SIJ - Day 07 A Necklace of Barbed Wire

SIJ - Day 07 A Necklace of Barbed Wire

I had attempted a shot at this location, just 300 yards from my cottage, on day 1. Then I had aligned the camera at 90 degrees to todays shot, also included more background which was not really out of focus enough given that this lens only opens up to f/5.6. Also conditions were overcast and the result was dull to say the least.
The only similarity today was the dull conditions, otherwise a different viewpoint and higher camera angle looking down to exclude the more distant background and dull sky. The result was still rather dull as a straight colour image, but I felt the composition was rather more interesting.
So it was all down to the post processing, certainly had to be black and white. Bibble has a plug in that attempts to replicate film stock, developer and printing paper types for a wide variety of product, so in effect a very wide set of presets, with fine tuning also possible. I've tried several combinations and ended up with a simulation of Ilford Pan F, so a more contrasty film stock than my normal choice of FP4 (my favourite from my roll film days) together with a replicated hard printing paper.
So a little bit experimental for me, but hopefully it's produced a somewhat more interesting and graphic image, even if it has moved away from reality.
I like it a lot, Barrie, and I also likethe thin black border which presents it so well on this difficult all-white background the Gallery has.
For me, there's lack of reality here
I like the textures and tonalities. It bothers me a little that I don't see the whole gate post.
Oops fingers too fast ... I should have said "for me, there's no lack of reality here"
Barrie, this is great - and whatever it looked like in your real life, it certainly translates as realistic to me. What stands out to me is that amidst all that background and the details that show up so well everywhere, the barbed wire gate latch is clearly the main attraction. Wonderfully rendered in black and white. One of your best! Excellent tones and the image stands on its own perfectly, Barrie.
Nice range of tones here across the zone. Great subject and excellent processing. Thanks Barrie
Yes, I like this too very much. Use of barbed wire as a gate latch is interesting and seems vaguely to be a warning...

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Single in January 2012
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