This is actually the last photograph of my first photograph a day project I started on January 2 in 2011. The first roll of 365 photographs.

It was January 1 early morning that I read stillshunter's post with the challenge of "Shoot safeties!" I took this photograph of my son during the New Year's festivities.

From my first year I have learned that the best moments are often the personal ones.
From my first year I have learned that the best moments are often the personal ones.
You better believe it Wouter! This is a great image, you can really feel the emotion and your deft hand with the B+W conversion has added to it. Love the tones and the grain.

Can I ask the story behind the glasses?
My son used these glasses to see the fireworks and firecrackers (he also has ear plugs). It enables him to deal with the fear and anxiety.
Both fear and anxiety are expressed through the glasses. Have a good year Wouter, a year in which I hope to see many more of your images.
Really like what you have captured Wouter - he looks quite a special young man.
My son was happy because he conquered his fear and felt the excitement of the anxiety. Two years ago he cried when he heard the noise of firecrackers, last year he was proud to see it from behind the window, and how he made 2012 already a success.
Indeed the best moments are the personal ones Wouter! Goggle protection from fireworks?

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Single in January 2012
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Wouter Brandsma
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