A seen I have been seeing the entire week, but tonight the light was like I wanted to see it.
Wouter, that's very good - cannot imagine what the guy next to the lampost is doing - if he was French, then I would have some idea.
I like the aspect and proportions and the mystery in the tree silhouettes
Love the composition here Wouter - small figures in a large context and yet they are in no way diminished.
I like the strong horizontal of the platform and the train with vertical post and people in the centre.
Love the glow on those tracks, Wouter.

I'm going to ignore Bill. ;-) Interestingly I wouldn't have even noticed that fellow, I don't think.

A wonderfully sweeping scene.
I feel disconnected from the scene, but in a good way. Nice strong image.
lol, at my first glance I thought the same as Bill - but seeing as this is a departure platform at a train station, my first thought is rather unlikely to be correct!

nice shot though, love the atmosphere!
I like the image but something wants me to crop wider (16:9 or 2:1). Like the tracery of the trees in the background.

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Single in January 2012
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Wouter Brandsma
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