The chances of anything coming from Mars.

More info on this building: the former offices of Nederlandse Spoorwegen - De Inktpot - is the largest brick building in the Netherlands. The "UFO" (an art object created by Marc Ruygrok, formally called "Zover") featured on its facade stems from an art program (Panorama 2000).
When I see large ornate buildings like this, I think, what a waste of resources. But everyone don't think alike and differences in opinion is what makes horse trades. Both sides think they're getting a better deal.

Nice capture, showing the size and details of this one
Before I read your description I though the giant pie plate nation from afar had landed and claimed this edifice as their own!

Powerful and stark! And a little bit scary, too.
"Holy smokes Batman, trouble at the book repository in Gotham City, a UFO's landed!" 😉

Love the feel of this image, you caught an very interesting aspect of this architecture. So well seen and caught.
Excellent use of leading lines, the tones, contrast and shade are all spot on. Well done buddy

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Single in January 2012
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