
SIJ - Day 15

  • Media owner adanac
  • Date added
Ricoh GXR Mount A12 - Zeiss ZM 35/2

Using my morning "safety" today, the sun having crossed over to the west side of our home started burning off the light dusting of snow on our porch roof. It was fairly monochromatic to begin with so went with a b+w conversion.

The fine line between shadow and intense sun reminded me of that Bond movie "Die Another Day" when the villan, Gustav Graves, melts a glacier with a space-based mega laser in one of his attempts to destroy Bond.
By the way, this photo shows how hard up I was for selection. Nursing a sore back today, did something silly yesterday, so didn't get out and figured this was better than a shot of my shoes or the lentils I just cooked up. Maybe.

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