[B] Mum says if I drink all my nectar I'll be big and brown too one day[/B]

OK the PL25 aint really one for macro shots, but I thought this one turned out quite OK - well I more liked it for the story. :blush:

Cropped the image a little, to balance the composition, but otherwise you're seeing the lens playing in it's "not so strong" zone of f2.2. Then again the more I use this lens the more I doubt it has a bad zone...I really do love it!!
Sorry to disappoint butterfly, but what you see is what you are, and will remain.
A nice simplicity to this shot Mark, and your lens has done well being pushed into regions it's not really meant to venture into.
I think a muted green backdrop would have been more suitable for the shot, but doubtless what you had was pressed into service.

You have captured some nice detail Mark. Intrigued by the colour of the background but it sets the butterfly off nicely.
Strong photo. great detail, beautiful color, DOF is perfect, even vignette, which is off center (probably due to the crop) helps focus on the subject and is a welcome addition. Nicely done!
This is really, really great! I love the blue background, so unusual, and like BBW said, dreamlike! Love the second butterfly (I think?) coming in from the right... and the subject itself is well captured too!

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Single in January 2012
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