SIJ - Day 18: Cloisters, Sterling Memorial Library - From Courtyard

Something told me to go back to Sterling today. I tried shooting in stacks... nothing. But today the door to the small courtyard outside of Cloisters was open, so I went out there and shot one of the main windows... from the other side. Decided to go with a black and white conversion as it shows nice detail.

Having seen your colour shots this B&W is refreshing and full of texture and tone. (Happy to see more colour tho').
I don;t know Bill this B+W is pretty sweeet! Nice work Seaain, I honestly think you should show this portfolio to the powers that be at Yale come February. I reckon there's a commission (if not a sale or two) in it!!!
I prefer your black and white much more, Seaain. It's as though there's much more history in this version...more tales to tell and it just seems more fitting.

It's not that I don't like your color work, but this feels more real to me.

Your surrounded by such an architectural feast!

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Single in January 2012
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