SIJ - Day 23

SIJ - Day 23

This is a familiar haunt of mine - today it's a snow garden.
this is a great shot as it sits. I would empty it out and pose for s hot in it. I'd wear swimtrunks (though no one would see it) and I'm figure out how to get steam to rise out of it like I'm taking a hot bath. Of course there would still be snow everywhere. Actually, I'd never get around to doing it....I'd just shoot this shot and smile to myself imagining my arty little scene. (It helps to be a little bit crazy)
It'll be a long list if I listed down the reasons why I love this shot, but a quick summary would be the mood, contrast, how it was metered and the effect of the slight vignetting. Very nice.
What a striking image. I love the rich colours, reminiscent of the old cibachrome prints(not sure how to spell that?)
I don't know if it's the colour, but it was so unexpected I just love it!
Oh BB, you are going from strength to strength. I just hope you love this image as much as I (and "we") do. Love the subject matter (a little absurd...which resonates with me!), the colours (especially the blue with the white), the detail (the dags out of the bath) and the lighting (not sure how much is vignetting but it looks like it's under the spotlight!). Also the 'shadow pool' beneath...and those paws prints traversing the foreground!


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Single in January 2012
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