SIJ - Day 23
Guard house at Caguas Botanical Gardens. The night guard was actually quite perplexed at the sight of a guy wearing a tie (came straight from work) pulling a camera, tripod and flashlight in the darkness to take a photograph. Didn't dare asking him to pose for fear he would ask me to leave...
Nice capture. I like the trunk of the palm tree showing through the window. You should have asked the guard when you were about ready to leave, that way if he asked you to leave you would have been leaving anyway.

I really like the contrast in colors between the green and whatever color you call that on the trim :eek:!

I second the motion on getting the guard in the shot. I've just made sure the car was running and the trunk open for a quick get away!
Great shot, I'm thinking that the guard was probably thinking when he saw you turning up all suited up and with camera and tripod in hand after closing that there is nothing stranger than folk!
Amazing - both the way you've told your story and this exceptionally wonderful image! Wow - absolutely love this, Antonio... The colors and seeing that palm tree through the open window.. It's eerie, it's dreamlike and it is extremely cool!

Enter this one into that juried show and if they don't choose it you will know that they don't have a clue, Antonio.
Looks utterly surreal Antonio. The colours, composition, and lighting really make for such a compelling image.

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Single in January 2012
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