SIJ Day 29
Duane Pandorf

SIJ Day 29

My accommodations last night. Of course there were other tents and hammocks around but I wanted to isolate mine for this photo.

BTW, it got down to 15 degrees F, -9 C.
beautiful, I am jealous I have not had a chance to use the new tent we bought over a year ago
Good for you for being able to be out there with your son/s and friends. Beautiful lighting, Duane!
I've never gone camping. Looks where is my bed.....and can you turn up the thermostat?
Love it Duane, getting in touch with your inner Thoreau. Glad you mentioned them because this looks like ideal hammock country to me.
Nice shot, the sunlit green glow of your tent really makes it pop out from the brown leaves on the ground... love the diagonal stripes of shade created by the trees, too!

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Single in January 2012
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Duane Pandorf
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