SIJ Day 30
Despite 3 days respite today was a struggle for inspiration. I was planning a walk around here but a few dodgy guys walking nearby had me worried about being mugged so decided to head back home. Hopefully Tomorrow will be more productive. Possibility of snow too..
yeah ... just 'cause there's only a day to go doesn't mean you can move the goalposts, norman ...
Well Norman I like the repetition of the posts, especially as repeated from the foreground. Nice rendition of the sky and trees - almost looks like HDR....
I like this a lot. The composition is absolutely perfect, and the detail and tones just gorgeous.
Beautifully seen, Norman - this looks as though it was an art installation instead of merely a field you were walking in.

Your post processing really plays this seen up in a wonderful way.
Amazing composition with not only the goal posts but the tree line and stand of poplars as well. That incredibly fine gap between the closest goal post and next one is perfection.

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Single in January 2012
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norman shearer
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