SIJ Day#4 - Bananas

SIJ Day#4 - Bananas

I really wasn't feeling the photography today. It's one thing I thought about before starting this SIJ was that I don't always feel like shooting. But I liked the idea of doing something in a group. I will continue to force myself to shoot every day.....only because I am too stubborn to quit, not because I enjoy it the limitations or find it creatively inspiring.

Maybe I'll have a breakthrough moment. Maybe it will be like "the runners high" that I had heard distance runners speak about. Maybe I'll just photograph a bunch of boring stuff in my house because I dislike the cold. Only time will tell.
My motivation goes up and down as well, sometimes I really don't feel like shooting something but so far, like you, my stubbornness has forbidden me to cheat and skip a day or quit altogether - and on the good days I've actually been quite pleased with what I've achieved. It has motivated me to shoot something I'd been meaning to shoot for a while now, which will be my photo for day 5. Hope you'll find your "photographer's high" soon!

The runner's variety, by the way, is awesome right untill the point your legs say enough and you're no longer running but limping in a particularly bouncy way, refusing to quit :rolleyes:

[edit] these bananas aren't half bad, by the way! Looks slightly surrealistic but very tasty nonetheless, at least the yellow ones :)
What a coincidence. First time that I've bought bananas in months, and I run into more bananas at SIJ! :)

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Single in January 2012
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