SIJ Day 4 - Bookstore, Exeter, NH

SIJ Day 4 - Bookstore, Exeter, NH

This was not a very productive day photo wise. Just wasn't into it, but snapped a grab shot as I walked in to the bookstore.
These two both look as if they are enjoying you photographing them... I think you were being surreptitious, yes? But they noticed? :)
BUSTED!!!! But Sue's right they don't seem to mind...or are they laughing at the spectacle as you leg it out the door :laugh1:
Bookstores are about my favorite place on earth, and this image makes me want to visit one today.
Looks as though Dan Brown is on a special up there.;) I love bookstores, too, and to find a real one in many parts of America is becoming more difficult. I'm not surprised that Exeter, New Hampshire would have its own wonderful bookstore, however. A cozy spot to hide away in during the winter. Love that woman's hat (hope it's fake fur) and both their smiles. Good for you, trisberg!
Nice. There is movement and humour here. Photos with people leaving can look "bare" but this really works.

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Single in January 2012
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