SIJ Day 4
Duane Pandorf

SIJ Day 4

After yesterday's shadow image I had in my mind that I'd keep with that subject today as I knew the sun would be bright again today.

This is out my back yard as I live on near the first green.
Nice strong composition here Duane.

Great to have in your backyard...not to mention the steady supply of free (wayward) golf balls.
Since I'm near the first hole, the lost balls I find are in excellent condition and I have no need to buy my own!
I like the way the shadow directs your eye down the path and to the rest of the image.
this is just perfect. Is there a hint of yellow in the flag stick? Very clever. I love to watch golf.....I wish I were good.

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Single in January 2012
Added by
Duane Pandorf
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