
SIJ - Day Three

Hands are always interesting. I was on the couch and my brother was next to me all relaxed and I just loved the contrast.
Love the detail on his ring and the fade into the couch's pillow...
Perfect study! Monochrome treatment and DoF are spot-on. Also really like the fact that the ring is not on the third, yet its centring does not diminish the strength of the composition.
Interesting ring, and well photographed, where the hand guides you through the image.
There is a dynamic to this which I really like. Not quite a tension, but the feeling of latency.
Thanks guys, its kind off gritty right, I like it. Hands are something I want to explore more in the future but folks are quite sensitive about them
Nice blend. We don't have college rings here, so theres something almost dark in that for me - like a gang symbol!

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Single in January 2012
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