SIJ - Day03

SIJ - Day03

"Acoma Pottery"

Weather was very overcast today, and I was tied up working on my car project. So, I had to shoot this one inside today.

Signed Acoma pottery artist Adella Howeya.

Taken with the Canon S95 at 35mm equiv. Processed in LR3.5 and Topaz B&W Efects.

Forgot to mention that this little S95 seems to do a pretty good job.
Oh that's so clean and crisp. A perfect subject for black and white!!! Nicely framed and lit Otto, great work.
A very strong image - I love how the pattern of the rug imitates that of the pot.
I like that, a nice strong graphic design well rendered in black and white and also well lit.

Like others have said, the design translates very well to B&W, and the shot is also well exposed. Nice!
A museum piece! Great qualities in this one, Otto with beautiful lighting.
Thank you all for the comments. This was an emergency shot as time was running out last night, and the daylight hours were very grey with no opportunity to get out. I'm already finding it hard to imagine shooting every day, but I like the challenge to do it. Plus, it forces me to try to learn this new little S95.

I forgot to mention that it was processed in LR3.5, and Nik SEF Pro.
This has the feel of a curator's record shot, and I don't mean that in a bad way. The symmetry works well.

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Single in January 2012
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