I like the metal bar disappearing into the distance, nice composition is the vertical orientation on purpose? I think I like it somewhat better horizontal, although this way it definitely keeps me wondering for longer!
I have to tell you that I burst out laughing at Barrie's question - and your answer!
I was going to ask if you were turning us upside down again..but see we're only half way there!
Your view of the world always brings something new, that many of us might not have noticed, Will. That's a good thing! I don't know exactly what I'm looking at but I think that's part of the point. Strong lines and beautiful rusty color!
Thanks for the comments, and always glad to bring a little laughter into the world
I'm sort of glad some people prefer these in their proper orientation because I've been finding it interesting how uncomfortable it is to look at them tilted sideways. I'm trying to get an image that works really well when seen in the correct orientation, with lots of strong perspective lines to reinforce the visual clues that it should be viewed a certain way. Then force myself and anyone else who looks at it to see it in the 'wrong' way. I actually feel slightly nauseous after a while and have to take a break. I wonder if photographers are effected worse because we spend so much time looking for and composing images that the wrongness of it is harder for us look at?
Not sure if I'll keep pushing this this experiment, probably not. Depends if I can keep finding good subjects I suppose.
The 'wrongness' of this image creates a real tension in the viewer (and photographer as you mention). The plants are a giveaway - perhaps a wholly graphic image would work better.
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