Single in July 19

Single in July 19

Outside our local Dobbie Garden Centre with my X100, this is a large ornamental flower display at the entrance of the car park. I didn't even get out the car for this one, rain was just pouring down outside. Gotta love the Scottish summer!
Wow, interesting shot! Is this what they looked like or have you done some filtering? I love it!
Thanks everyone. I didn't do much in post processing, just coverted it to black and white. The giant flower shapes are dark brown in colour. The sky behind the flowers were cloudy grey/white and I increased the contrast to take the detail out of the clouds to give it a white canvas to emphasise the shapes of the ornamental flowers. The flowers are ... I don't know ... about 12 foot tall, maybe slightly more, maybe slightly less, I don't know, just guessing. Certainly they are much much taller than I am.
This is pure magic. Honestly one of your best yet Briar. This is the sort of graphic image I aspire too. So simple and yet so powerful. Great work!!!!!

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Single In July 2011
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