Single in July 24

Single in July 24

at New Hopetoun Gardens with te X100, pp'd with snapseed. Not sure what kind of plant it was but it looked pretty the way it caught the sun light.
Amazing stuff! I've never used snapseed; do you have much say over what it does or do you just happily embrace the surprise?
Snapseed is a great little app, I was surprised how much control you have on the different filters, you can adjust the strength of the filters, change contrast, brightness, saturation, add grain, remove grain, change textures, convert to black and white, apply more than one filter to an image. It's so quick and easy to do. I love the nik software products. The little app was £2.99 on iTunes, can't remember exactly what I paid for Color efex but I think it was about £160. I have to say, I'm kind of liking snapseed more. The only negative I've found is that it strips the camera's exif data from your image file.

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