
Warm on New Year's Day - Day 1

  • Media owner drd1135
  • Date added
Fuji X-10 - A small farm near my home.
Wow, very different from Aussie sheep. I mean we have black-faced ones in some parts but these have a rather werd dangling thing hanging out back...I assume it's a "tail" :laugh1: Because of the summer flies down here all our sheep are docked.

Nice one....they let you get pretty close...or a testimony to your field-skills my friend :wink:
Very cool how they all seem to be staring at the camera/photographer! Say "cheese"!!!
I love sheep. And these are good looking......or maybe it's just a great shot.
I love the way they've turned towards you and they're black faces and matching legs make wonderfully graphic statement against that green. I'm very fond of sheep - and I know my dog would be too, though he's yet to meet any. Such nice long tails.

You're fortunate to live nearby. I look forward to more!

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Single in January 2012
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