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  • Don, I missed the thread where you explained why you changed to the Ricoh GXR. Can you direct me to where I can find that explanation. Not that you need to explain yourself, I just assume that you did. Perhaps I am assuming wrongly. I love the interface on the GXR. That above all causes me to keep mine. Yes, the IQ is great but so is the IQ of other cameras I have let go. I have not tried the zoom lenses. If they are good enough maybe I would not need the X10.
    I think your friend needs his head examined! This camera and especially the lens is brilliant! I am more than pleased with the shots and the quality speed and ease of use. Now that I have both the GF1 and the LX5 I am certainly prepared for almost any shot. Go onto Flickr and look at this group http:// The macro work is great too. The LX 5 is a valuable and worthy point and shoot with well above average performance and abilities. Rush to your local dealer and try it out..only once you see for yourself can you really make a judgement one way or another.
    Just posted pic from LX5 at ISO 800 in Panasonic LX and Leica Pics Forum Love to get your impressions. Straight out of camera no editing.
    I've taken a few of these, but so far I've come up with some motion blur and noise. I took a pic this morning in low light at ISO 1250 F2.7 of Ava asleep on the couch using the IA mode..pic looked good in camera. Downloaded to LR and it was a mess. Noise, although not as bad as some of the others I've taken and yellow blotches everywhere.

    I am giving the camera the benefit of doubt right now and will try some more shots at different ISO's 800 and above. Let you know how it goes, but it certainly does not look hopeful. Ava is upset with me over this..she has the LX3 and states of course there is noise..there always is in the higher ISO's even in film! It's whether or not the picture is good and the noise level adds to the look and feel rather than distracts. I don't far it bothers me...especially the yellow blotches.
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