This is my entry in the "OUCH" category.
View of the street, sixty feet away, from our front window during a recent hailstorm; those guys are BIG.
This Image shows what was striking the asphalt shingles. Yes, the roofer's will be replacing the entire roof. :mad:
The largest hailstone was...
Ornamental Crab Apple. This 8-foot tree is only three years from our planting in the front yard, and doing very well. Evening golden hour Image three times real life size.
I love this recent shot. When I took it, it was essentially dark so that was barely possible to see the trees ahead.
The deer in the lower right were invisible, and the sky was filled with stars. I hand-held this braced against a wall.
The neighbors yard light was the source of the light on...
I don't see any posting for the Northern lights from last night. My wife looked outside at about 10:15 and asked me to come out and look at the sky.
I looked and Myeah, nothing much but some wispy, barely visible, light green vertical trails up there. But decided to see if I could find a...
The portrait aught to be on the cushion so he could look up and see a reflection of himself! This will probably get moved to the attic, but I calls 'em the I sees 'em!
If I knew then, what I know now I'm pretty sure that I would buy what was NEEDED, not what I WANTED; just because it was popular then and now is seldom used.
Classifieds Type For Sale
Price $450 which includes shipping in USA
Item Olympus E-M5 Mark II with JJC grip and HLD-8 Battery Grip
My Location USA
File(s) attached
As age catches up with me and my mobility, I find that I must reduce my lesser used inventory...
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