Makanda, Illinois is where the paths of totality for the 2017 and 2024 Total Eclipses cross. In 2017, I rode through there on my way to Idaho for the big day. A small shop on the small main street was hyped for the day. Nearly seven years and a pandemic later, I hope that they are having a good...
With billions of people on earth we all want to leave behind a foot print. A foot print to be remembered, our "15 minutes of fame".
Also this is a foot print for each and every photographer who participated in this SIJ project. I have seen remarkable photographs and people getting...
Like many at the Northern Hemisphere winter is playing tricks with lots of rain and moderate temperatures. Best way to escape and to stay dry is to travel by car.
This week I learned that life can be full of obstruction, but thankfully also possibilities. I was finally able to caught up with posting my daily photographs.
I have had back pain problems for so long and had several pain treatments. I had high hopes a surgery could ease the pain, but on Wednesday I learned a surgery made no sense. I simply have to life and not to deal with it.
After a busy week and pitching an entire day on new thoughts and ideas, I used the Saturday for some portraits and working on my last year's portfolio.
The direction, this road, goes straight ahead. The fog of the day before disappeared and a small hill can be seen at the horizon. These are merely the Dutch Mountains.
Grey skies and nothing really happening except accidentally dropping my iPhone 3G while walking the dog. Thankfully only the glass was broken.
With gasoline prices as high as €1.69/liter you don't want to drive such V8 powered cars, don't you?
The modern ICE train from Germany passes by at 120 km/h, while the traveler is reminded of an exhibition of the Jewish history.
Today was an in-between day. Storm hit the Netherlands the day before and another storm is predicted for the next day.
It was a quick stroll today.
In my hometown, a typical commuter place, I consider the local train station to be best place for street photography. Anywhere else people are just to aware of your presence.
The station has a very sober architecture and while it is usually a quite busy place, it is also a location that...
This is actually the last photograph of my first photograph a day project I started on January 2 in 2011. The first roll of 365 photographs.
It was January 1 early morning that I read stillshunter's post with the challenge of "Shoot safeties!" I took this photograph of my son during...
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