1. agentlossing

    Pentax Z-1p & FA 50mm f1.4 Fomapan 400

    Just developed another roll from the Z-1p, this time with the FA 50mm f1.4 and some Fomapan 400 shot at ISO 320 to get a bit better shadows. It's been a while since I've shot this film. I also chose a new developer for it, Kodak TMAX at 1+4. All of the chemicals and ambient temps were around 22...
  2. MoonMind

    Daily Challenge Today 400

    20x20 So I looked for "20 by 20 song" and found ... A Story (yes, one with a capital "S"). https://whownskenya.com/index.php/2021/02/04/justina-syokau-biography-background-family-career/ And for all of those who don't know me enough, no, I'm not being cynical here. This is one of millions...
  3. gryphon1911

    Smartphone FIMO PAN-X/Tri-X 400 Images From My Walk Today - Pano

    A new film simulation dropped a little bit ago for the FIMO camera app in the App Store. It pay homage to a PAN-X camera loaded with Tri-X 400 film. I kinda like it, and played with it a bit today during my 3.5 mile walk through the woods at lunch today. Thought I would share: 1 2 3 4 5
  4. Y

    Film Voigtlander R3A

    Portra 400 pushed to 1600. Voigtlander 40mm f1.4
  5. SIJ day 30 - The Bee

    SIJ day 30 - The Bee

    Driving around today spotted this and some other great walls; PS, Color Efex, HDR:Lens (mm): 7.1 ISO: 400 Aperture: 3.6 Shutter: 1/500 Exp. Comp.: -0.3
  6. SIJ Day 27-The Truck

    SIJ Day 27-The Truck

    Too busy today with work stuff, so when I drove up to the house, I thought why not shoot a shot of the most dependable vehicle I have ever owned "The Truck" our 99' Land Cruiser. HDR, Color Efex: Lens (mm): 10 ISO: 400 Aperture: 2.8 Shutter: 1/250 Exp. Comp.: -0.7
  7. SIJ day 24-Rain in So Cal

    SIJ day 24-Rain in So Cal

    Since everybody else has shown weather photos, I thought here is my chance, finally rain PS Lens (mm): 7.6 ISO: 400 Aperture: 4.5 Shutter: 1/1800 Exp. Comp.: -0.7
  8. SIJ day 22-Dead Signals

    SIJ day 22-Dead Signals

    one of my neighbors does not seem to realize that TV is now digital, Color EFex, HDR: Lens (mm): 11.7 ISO: 400 Aperture: 2.8 Shutter: 1/800 Exp. Comp.: +0.3
  9. SIJ day 21- Deer Trap

    SIJ day 21- Deer Trap

    Seen while walking to lunch today Silver Efex; Lens (mm): 11.7 ISO: 400 Aperture: 3.2 Shutter: 1/450 Exp. Comp.: -0.3
  10. SIJ day 20-The Delinquent

    SIJ day 20-The Delinquent

    While driving home today in my "teenager hotrod", I was inspired to shoot my truthfully accurate mirror air freshener with the school bus backdrop HDR, Colorefex Lens (mm): 7.1 ISO: 400 Aperture: 5 Shutter: 1/100 Exp. Comp.: +0.7
  11. SIJ- Exiting Circle

    SIJ- Exiting Circle

    Leaving the parking lot after a meeting,SilverEfex Lens (mm): 7.1 ISO: 400 Aperture: 4 Shutter: 1/1300 Exp. Comp.: -0.3
  12. SIJ 18-The SP

    SIJ 18-The SP

    For reasons I cannot completely explain, I have wanted a Nikon SP rangefinder for a very long time, makes no sense, I will rarely shoot film again, I am not a fan of manual focus cameras anymore, there just something about the SP and its history that has always meant a lot to me. Well today...
  13. SIJ day 17- Simple Shadow

    SIJ day 17- Simple Shadow

    While waiting for my Landcruiser at the car wash I caught this simple shadow. PS Lens (mm): 28.4 ISO: 400 Aperture: 5 Shutter: 1/950 Exp. Comp.: +0.7
  14. SIJ day 16-Paradise Captured

    SIJ day 16-Paradise Captured

    As I went to Fedex to drop off the GXR 28 I am returning, I spotted these beautiful Bird of Paradise in full bloom, so I thought for a change of pace, I thought I would show what the X10 can do with very little post processing in color, PS, Lens (mm): 28.4 ISO: 400 Aperture: 4 Shutter: 1/500...
  15. SIJ day 14- Waiting for Breakfast

    SIJ day 14- Waiting for Breakfast

    i took this image and few others while waiting to get a table for breakfast at a popular local spot, Silver Efex, HDR Lens (mm): 7.1 ISO: 400 Aperture: 5.6 Shutter: 1/600 Exp. Comp.: -0.7