
  1. gryphon1911

    Panasonic 4/3 DSLR - The L1 has Arrived - First Thoughts (image heavy - medium length read)

    Hello all! The Panasonic L1 4/3 DSLR has arrived!! It is, in actuality, in almost new condition! There are a few small scratches on the rear LCD and a little bit of dirst on the front. Other than that - it looks like the thing was hardly ever used! I still need to look into seeing about...
  2. JensM

    SD to CF card adapters.

    As I have acquired two 4/3 Olympus bodies, (a 400 and a 410) which uses CF cards and the obsolete Oly cards. One of the bodies came with a 2 GB CF and one with a 512 MB Oly card, so I need something to use for both. I have been ogling CF cards and stumbled over the SD to CF card adapter...