
  1. rayvonn

    Manual Lens New Meyer Optik Gorlitz Biotar 58mm F1.5 II

    A historically updated lens which I'm guessing won't be of interest to some due to its characteristics but it may be of interest to others and seems to be coming available in most mounts (although notably no RF coupling though). This is interesting to me as it completely slipped my mind that...
  2. Coksic

    Manual Lens Helios 44M-5 58mm f2

    Wide open, with Nikon D90! 20mm macro tube 20mm macro tube
  3. rayvonn

    Nikon Noct 58mm F1.2

    Some questions: Anyone owned/ owns this lens? How does it really perform compared to the other fast aperture Nikkors? Is its astronomical (IMO) price based on supply and demand or because it’s that good? Just curious, that’s all.
  4. Coksic

    Manual Lens Minolta MC Rokkor PF 58mm f1.4

    A good old manual focus lens, with nice reputation. Well kept and preserved, it feels like new. Having many Helios 58mm lenses, I'm used to the focal length. On a crop sensor, it just feels right. It's fast, with 1.4 aperture, which is often challenging with focusing, because my X-E1 doesn't...
  5. S

    Fuji Showcase Fuji X-T1 with Minolta MC-Rokkor-PF 58mm f1.4

    Fuji X-T1 with the great Minolta MC-Rokkor-PF 58mm f1.4. Cheap lens, cheap adapter. ISO200, 1/140s, not sure about aperture, probably, 2.8.