These two APS-C bodies are cheap right now and pretty small. The 5100 has no EVF but is really small. Given that I now have a collection of Sony primes, especially the 35, one of these might be handy. Any suggestions/evaluations/advice/mockery?
Did a very quick photo shoot with the little goul before heading out for the night.
A6000 and 20mm
Getting ready
She was having a blast and really getting into the role
(Not sure where the camera was focusing but I still love this one)
I happened to be in the area with nothing to do for a bit and stopped off at this man-made waterfall along the canal routes in Phoenix
SRP: Arizona Falls
A6000 and 45mm Sigma
Spent some time at a local municipal airport that has a great little museum that has events throughout the year
Falcon Field Airport | Home
A6000 and 18-135mm
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