
  1. KJNorth

    Animals Horse grazing

    Drove by this beautiful horse yesterday, stopped and grabbed a couple photos. He came right towards me for a brief moment while i was snapping shots.
  2. KJNorth

    Birds Blue Heron

    Spotted this fellow while out for a drive yesterday. Couldn't get any shots with his feet showing as they were in grass most of the time.
  3. KJNorth

    Birds Osprey in his nest

    I got lucky and spotted this Osprey in his nest, and he gave me some great shots when he decided to stretch out his wings. Here's a couple i processed so far.
  4. G

    Animals Red Tail

    Sometimes keeping your gear in the car pays off. I spotted this guy in a cemetery on my way home from work and zipped in and starting taking shots. BTW, for those that are looking at the exif and want to know how my 70-200mm is reporting 400mm I was using a 2x teleconverter.
  5. G

    Animals Garden Garter

  6. AndyH44

    Birds Red Shoulder Hawk Arriving..... (short video)

    RS Hawk
  7. JensM

    Birds Crows or Corvus all sorts...

    Crow of sorts, a bit angry due to the Corvus family not having a tread of their own, so here it is. A tread to post up your pictures of the common and uncommon crows of all sorts.
  8. S

    Animals Busy As......

  9. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Birds Talk to your local farmers (wildlife advice), image loaded thread.

    Hi, I wanted to write this for a week but life kept me busy. I have wanted to do this myself for a while but never got to (so much for taking my own advice) but I happened on this event twice in 6 years: When farmers cut down the fields of grass to be used as hay for their farms it will reveal...
  10. AndyH44

    Birds Red Shoulder Hawk

    Caught this guy at our birdbath this morning .... Handheld / heavy crop / through a very dirty dual-pane window.
  11. M

    Birds Western Grebe with Chick

  12. KJNorth

    Birds Blue Jay came for a visit

    Blue Jay came for a visit
  13. L0n3Gr3yW0lf

    Birds The Little and The Tiny Grebe

    I wanted to make this post for some time but I haven't found what this bird is until very recently: Called Little Grebe or Dudchick (Tachybaptus ruficollis), it's a very small aquatic bird that I never seen until this spring. They are quite common in Europe, North Africa, Asia and Russia. But...
  14. Brownie

    Animals Some shots from Africa

    My wife and daughter recently returned from a 2-week safari. These are my daughter's images, posted with permission. Very pleased with the quality, proof that the latest and greatest gear is unnecessary. Kind of proud of her, she did a good job!
  15. KJNorth

    Birds Swans out for a Family Swim

    I was lucky enough to catch a family of swans out for a swim.
  16. M

    Birds White Faced Ibis with Chick

    White Faced Ibis with new chick
  17. Bill in Texas

    Birds My yard water feature, bringing birds to you, close!

    I was asked to start a thread to show the water feature I installed in my yard. We relocated closer to the Texas coast in 2022 and there was an area under some trees to do this. Keep in mind, along the coast there are many birding destinations and many have only small water features that attract...
  18. Archibald

    Animals Wild horse

    Stallion living free in Alberta.
  19. M

    Animals Wile E. Coyote

  20. Archibald

    Birds Northern Jacana

    Couple shots of a Northern Jacana.
  21. Bill in Texas

    Birds Photo chosen for use on Ebird and the Merlin app

    A photograph of a juvenile Whooping Crane I took on January 22, 2018 was chosen to be included on the Ebird site and on the Merlin app. I was shooting Canon at the time.
  22. Terra Tourist

    Birds Snowy Egrets

  23. AndyH44

    Birds You Lookin' at Me?

  24. M

    Birds Harris Hawk

    Harris Hawk with falconer
  25. Robbo


  26. M

    Animals Mr. Gopher

    Just checking to see how many weeks of winter,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL
  27. M

    Birds Dive!

    My first post. On POTN I used the username Sixtgp. Posted a lot in the birds forums. Brown Pelican, SF Bay
  28. wt21

    Birds Bird Feeder: winter snow storm

    I put some of these in another thread, but here's my full series. Getting dark now, so not likely any more today.
  29. Cederic

    Animals Donna Nook, November 2023 (Image heavy)

  30. B

    Birds Common Murre

    Kachemak Bay, Alaska Olympus EM1ii and 300 Pro
  31. Bill in Texas

    Birds Ducks and Geese

    They are migrating for the winter season here in Texas
  32. Clix Pix

    Birds Three Guys and a Gal

    Six male Hooded Mergansers and one female were having fun a couple of days ago playing the "mating game." This particular shot shows just three males escorting the gal (the other three were out of camera range) and clearly they were enjoying themselves. So was she, as evidenced by the glint in...
  33. AndyH44

    Birds Cormorant Air Drying

    SOOC / handheld / heavy crop
  34. MN shutterbug

    Animals Albino White-tail

    I'd been told there were a couple albinos hanging out in a state park about 200 miles from me so decided to go for a drive today and hope for the best.
  35. S

    Animals The curious Pika

    While hiking out on Mt Rainier earlier this year, I had the most amazing encounter yet with one of the area's Pika. We were trekking along a scree slope when we started hearing the distinct, sharp squeaks that indicate these little puff balls are around; so I stopped walking and began scanning...
  36. W

    Critique Wanted Hi key processing

    I seem to have become obsessed with Hi Key images. While many are intentionally over exposed by 2 or 3 stops when being taken, I have also been able to adapt others. Here the distracting fore and backgrounds have been selected and "all sliders set to max" to blow out all apart from the elephant...
  37. JensM

    Animals Show "Sheep"

    Couldnt find any treads dealing with collected sheeps, so thought I should put one up, starting with this one: Autumn is upon us, and up here in Norway that means that the sheep that is put out in the "wild" to roam in Spring, is collected up to be either kept over the winter or is off to the...
  38. CatsAreGods

    Squirrels A Squirrel Story in Four Peanuts (I mean, four parts)

    1. Found a peanut! 2. Got it open 3. Went to heaven (mm-mmm!) 4. Just how I dreamed it would be!
  39. MountainMan79

    Birds The Fisher

    Didnā€™t want to swamp the show birds thread with a ton of photos in a single post, but these all belong together. I watched for awhile today as a GBH skillfully fished time and time again, coming up with a fresh fish all but once.
  40. T

    Animals Friendly animals

    Amazingly friendly
  41. AndyH44

    Animals Oh Deer!

    Hangin' in our yard ... Handheld SOOC (cropped)
  42. CatsAreGods

    Animals It's beginning to look a lot like...Thanksgiving! Show your turkeys!

    There seems to be no dedicated turkey thread so I thought...why not (something something Dayton Allen)? Check out these rude snoods! šŸ˜ŗ I giggle at this one every time, because I keep thinking of it in one of those Revolutionary War 3-cornered hats with a musket by its side:
  43. gryphon1911

    Animals Animals and Oly 75-300/4.8-6.7 II (image heavy)

    The Wilds is a safari park in Eastern Ohio. It is a great conservation facility that supplements the running of the animal care with safari like tours. Wife and I spent an overnight there in a yurt and as part of our...
  44. Rebel06 Paul

    Animals From my Garden

    A image to introduce myself. .
  45. CatsAreGods

    Animals Goat Day Afternoon

    So last Friday I spent the afternoon with some of the fine folks at Integrazers, who have been helping to do both weed abatement and fire mitigation here in California for years by leasing their herds of goats and sheep to landowners, industrial parks, and even neighborhood HOAs. Cue cuteness...
  46. stillshunter

    Animals "Wild animals in the wild"

    Even though I see them every single day I just never tire of roos (kangaroos). Amazingly they say the longer and higher they jump, the less energy they use. Astounding creatures. I so adore them in motionā€¦.maybe in the next life (if I'm good in this one) I'll experience that feeling for myself...
  47. WhidbeyLVR

    Animals Show Marine Mammals (Whales, Seals, Otters)

    Please share your images of marine mammals, including: whales, dolphins, etc. (cetaceans) seals, sea lions, walrus, etc. (pinnipeds) manatees, sea cows (sirenians) otters polar bears Images from zoos, aquariums,and other captive situations are welcome, but please identify them as such...
  48. TNcasual

    Animals Curious Young Buck

    The Great Smoky Mountains is the most visted national park in the US. But it is still a big place, full of wildlife. I have been hiking for 20 years in the park, and only a few times have I ever come across any of the large(ish) animals in the park. Once a bear, once some otters, a few times...
  49. guzziknight

    Animals Elephant Seals

    We went on a guided tour at AƱo Nuevo State Beach, just south of Pescadero, CA. This is the primary mating/birthing area for Elephant Seals. They begin to come ashore in December. Right now, thereā€™s a few hundred there, by this time next month, there will be thousands.
  50. T

    Birds visit at the bird sanctuary

    been almost two years now since our last visit... nice to be able to go back... Untitled by tilman paulin, on Flickr Untitled by tilman paulin, on Flickr great blue heron by tilman paulin, on Flickr kingfisher by tilman paulin, on Flickr northern pintail by tilman paulin, on Flickr mallard...